Appium Training
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- Appium Training
Hardware Requirments
- Desktops/Laptops with 8GB RAM
- Internet connectivity
- Android Mobile Phones OR Android simulators installed on the desktops/laptops
- Appium Studio tool installation on the desktops/laptops
Windows OS
- icrosoft Windows 7/8/10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
- 2 GB of available disk space minimum, 4 GB Recommended (500 MB for IDE + 1.5 GB for Android SDK and emulator system image)
- 1280 x 800 minimum screen resolution
- JDK 8
- For accelerated emulator: 64-bit operating system and Intel processor with support for Intel VT-x, Intel EM64T (Intel 64), and Execute Disable (XD) Bit functionality
Duration of Selenium Training
Course Duration
20 Hours
Course will be 30 hrs to 45 hrs duration with real-time projects and working models.
Assignments Duration
10 Hours
Assignment duration will be 10hrs to 15hrs.
Total Learners
2245 Learners
We have already finished 800+ Batches with 100% course completion record.
Skill Level
Beginner & Advance
We are providing Training to the needs from Beginners level to Advance level.
24 / 7 Support
Our Support team are available 24/7 to clear students needs and doubts.
Selenium Labs offers certifications to the students once they complete the theory and practical session of Appium training successfully. Here the assessments are done based on the performance of the students on the project as well as the result of the online test once the course completes. These certifications give value to the resumes of the participants. And then they can get lucrative job opportunities in renowned companies.
We are known as one of the most reputable Selenium training institutes located in Bangalore. A range of unmatchable services along with the reviews posted by our past and present students have helped us to gain this reputation. As a result, we have gained a 4.6-star rating on Google. So, if you want to know our institute or the training programs offered by us better, you can check the reviews mentioned on our website or the major search engine platforms.
Course Content
- Various tools for mobile application?
- What is Appium?
- What all can be tested with Appium?
- WebDriver Wire protocol
- Hybrid Apps, Native Apps and WebApps
- Concept of UIAutomator (AndroidUIautomator Usage)
- When to use Selendroid and when to use Appium
- IOS-driver
- Drawbacks and Limitatiions
- What is seledroid
- Difference between Appium and Selendroid
- How things came into being
- What should I learn?
- Configuring appium on real device & Appium Studio
- Why work on real device?
- Download and Configure Android on local machine
- Understanding difference between Api level and Android version
- API levels and Android versions supported by Appium supported by android
- Getting correct API level for Android
- Getting correct Android version in Phone – Provider dependant
- Enabling developer mode
- Debug level settings in Phone
- Connecting phone and making sure its being detected in DDMS(Pdanet software)
- Install Node JS
- Install Microsoft Dot Net framework
- Download Appium’
- Configuring Various versioning/API level requirements for Appium
- Starting Appium Server from Console
- Starting Appium Server from command prompt
- Various command line arguments for Appium
- Running your first Appium Program
- Configuring appium on Simulator
- Installing Simulator
- Running first Script on Simulator
- Difference when running automation script on the real device and simulator.
- Maven dependencies
- Various Maven/POM dependencies for Appium
- Downloading/Configuring Appium, Selenium from Maven/POM dependencies
- Desired Capabilities for Appium and Android
- Concept of Apk file, AppActivityName and AppPackage
- How to get Apk file, AppActivityName and AppPackage for any application
- Is Apk file necessary to test App – Not in all cases
- Javadocs for Appium
- AppiumDriver and RemoteWebDriver classes
- Launching System Hybrid Apps
- Appium reinstalls App
- Preventing Appium from deleting and reinstalling App
- Launching other user installed Hybrid Apps
- Checking wheter App is installed on Phone
- Launching native Apps like calculator, Contacts, Settings
- Details on native supported methods (Android and iOS)
- Native and Hybrid specific classes
- Always quit Appium – Mandatory
- Concept of UIAutomator
- Understanding Android Layouts
- Tagname not supported
- android.widgit.* – everything starts from here
- Android UIAutomator framework
- FindElement and FindElementByAndroidUIAutomator
- Using UISelector Class
- Finding by Classname
- Building Xpaths
- Frame Handling
- Challenges faced in finding Elements and Workarounds
- Using Android UIAutomator’sUISelector() and its functions
- Hiding Keyboard
- Waiting – Implicit and Explicit Waits
- Finding multiple Elements
- Finding Elements inside Elements
- ComplexFind and MobileElement
- Finding Elements with Multiple criterias using ComplexFind
- Selector Key codes
- Finding elements by text using AndroidUIAutomator commands
- Using Assertions
- Handling Date Elements/Objects
- Selecting element in Spinner
- Finding selected Elements
- Getting Value from TextView
- Finding selected Elements
- Clear value of a TextView
- Detailed Architecture of Appium API WebDriver, RemoteWebDriver, MobileDriver, AppiumDriver, AndroidDriver and IOSDriver – Relationship
- Execute function in AndroidDriver
- Mobile commands JavascriptExecutor and mobile commands “AndroidDriver functions – isLocked, openNotifications, pressKeyCode, scrollTo, scrollToExact , pinch, tap, startActivity, closeApp(), execute, removeApp, resetApp, rotate, runAppInBackground, swipe
- Handling Zoom feature in the app
- Scrolling and Swiping a ListView
- Difference between Scroll and Swipe
- ScrollTO and ScrollTOExact
- Scroll using UIScrollableand UISelector
- Search for products on amazon and get all product names
- Command getAttribute – content-desc
- MobileElement, IOSElement and AndroidElement89
- Difference in WebElement, MobileElement, AndroidElement
- MobileElement functions
- Selector Key codes
- Objects inside Objects
- Scrolling a listview and finding an element
- Detecting presence of Elements
- Using UI Automator in Compressed layout
- Testing in different layouts-Switching layouts between portrait and landscape
- Getting and storing the Android App XML view
- When to use android xml view
- Launching XML View from WebDriver
- Finding Elements in XML view
- Finding Scroll List elements in XML View
- You can do anything with XML View
- Limitations of XML view
- Touch Events
- Android key events like home, backspace, delete etc
- Wait Actions
- Dragging and dropping elements
- Multitouch Actions
- Simulating multiple gestures
- Longpress and delete elements
- Handling Toggle buttons
- Pinching,tapping,holding
- Dial a number and make a call with script
- Find a contact and call contact
- Take pic from camera
- Handling Navigartion drawer
- Managing date calenders
- Building a simple test and parameterizing.
- Running test with ant and maven to generate reports
- Customizing reports
- Uploading/downloading files
- Execute function in Appium
- Why do we need parallel execution
- Testing and parallelism
- Starting the hub
- Registering nodes with hub
- Various node configurations
- Configuring json files for nodes
- Running tests parallely on devices connected to same machine
- Running tests parallely on devices connected to different machin
- Launching browser with appium
- Making sure you have the correct desired capabilities
- When launch fails
- Firing various commands on browser
- Will UIAutomator work here?
- How do I identify objects in mobile browser?
- Will AppiumDriver commands work on browser?
- WFinding and setting useragentes
Selenium with Appium Training FAQ's
Yes, Selenium is easy to learn. So, if you are planning to start working as an automation tester, it will take two months to learn Selenium. But it is important to be familiar with the concepts of manual testing and the basic concepts of programming languages like Python, Java, PHP etc.
There is no particular time limit in which you will be able to learn Selenium as learning Selenium is not just about grasping Selenese. But it is also necessary to understand CI tools, WebDriver, tools for logging, dependency management, and test management when the application of Selenium is increased. But you can learn Selenium in a shorter period in case you are aware of the basic concepts of the programming languages like Python, Java, PHP etc. and if you are well aware of manual testing details.
Yes, the participants can get 10-30% discounts on the total course value. You can contact with Selenium Labs to get more details about this matter.
Yes, it is possible to pay the course fees in two installments. Apart from that, there are some conventional payment methods through which the participants can make the payments.
Yes, backup classes are offered to the students in case they miss any lecture due to any genuine reason. We aim to ensure that none misses any lecture topic.
Yes, you can get help from the trainers after completing this course. Selenium Labs also offers placement opportunities after completing this course. But it is important to remember that Selenium Labs doesn’t offer any placement guarantee.
The trainers of this institute are the industry experts with +15 years of experience in the field of automation testing with Selenium Webdriver. Besides, these professionals also have expertise in numerous real-time projects.